Review: Buddy Davis’ Cool Critters of the Ice Age by Buddy and Kay Davis with Lydia Howe

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here and/or our podcast review here)))

Finding children’s books that come from a biblical perspective is tough. It can be discouraging at times when your little one becomes interested in something and you don’t have a biblical worldview book, video, or resource on the subject to go through with them to encourage their interest. We ran into this about the Ice Age. Our daughter loves dinosaurs and started becoming interested in the Ice Age. Evolutionists and secularists say there were many ice ages over millions of years. But what was the biblical worldview?

Enter Answers in Genesis and good ole Buddy Davis. Our little girl is a HUGE fan of his and really really hopes to meet him one day! He and his wife wrote a book called Buddy Davis’ Cool Critters of the Ice Age. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but the Lord’s Providence in all things is truly amazing!

If you aren’t familiar with Buddy Davis, he is a multi-talented artist who works with Answers in Genesis. He sculpted many of the life size dinosaurs you see at the Creation museum (check out our travel post about our visit here and the video here). He is also a singer, songwriter, explorer, artist, writer, and show host. If y’all haven’t gotten Answers.TV yet, we HIGHLY recommend it. Super inexpensive with lots of great programs for kids and adults, including all of Buddy Davis’ shows!

Anyways, back to the book! Cool Critters of the Ice Age is around 60 pages long full of illustrations and fun facts and information about the Ice Age and the animals we think of as Ice Age animals. It’s easy to read and understand so it would be great for around 5-6 and up.

One of the things I loved most about it is that it starts out discussing how the Ice Age happened from a biblical worldview. It describes the conditions during and after the flood that allowed the Ice Age to happen. This was super informative, but easy to understand! I love being able to ground us and our little in the truth of God’s Word. And if it’s simple enough for her to understand then it’s easy for us to talk about and share with other!

And of course there are the animals! Such unique creations to talk about with your little one like sabertooth cats, glyptodons, Irish elks, etc. Each animal has its own 2 page spread with cool facts and drawing.

Lastly, at the very end of the book is a wonderful gospel presentation. I love that this is a regular feature of most books from writers connected to AiG and Master Books.

So if you have a little who loves cool critters or has questions about the Ice Age or you’re looking for a neat gift idea, look no further than Buddy Davis’ Cool Critters Of the Ice Age. It will not disappoint.

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.

Soli Deo Gloria!


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