How to Support Us

We here at The Wandering Pilgrims are so thankful for our supporters. It is such a blessing to create things for God’s glory and that our brothers and sisters in Christ may find edifying. We know that any and all support that we receive is from the Lord and we are forever grateful that He has guided us along the way.

We have had people ask how they can support TWP, so listed below you will find many different ways, several of them are completely free! Thanks again for all of your support.

***Disclaimer - Our website uses affiliate links. That means that if you choose to do some amazon shopping using the links on this page, we will receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Ways to Support Us

Let’s start off with the free ways you can support us and we’ll list the other ways later.

Prayer - Pray for us! Pray that God would guide to do what will bring glory to Him alone. Pray that He will guide us in what we should create and do. Pray for our safety as we travel to create more educational, family, Christian video content for our channel. Pray that He will continue to help us grow personally through study of His Word, prayer, and through the community He has placed us in. And pray that our content will edify and reach those that it can help to grow in Him.

Like, Share, and Subscribe - If you don’t already, please like and follow us on our social media pages, YouTube channel, and Podcast. This is free and helps tremendously. And, once you’ve connected with us, please share any content that you find helpful. We are on all social media platforms: facebook, instagram, twitter, mewe, truthsocial, gab, pinterest, are we forgetting any?

Shopping Amazon through this link - The link here will take you to the Reformation Study Bible. Now, you don’t have to buy a Reformation Study Bible to support us (but we would recommend it cause it’s amazing). The link is an affiliate link, and any amazon shopping you do after you have clicked this link supports us through their affiliate program. And the best part is that it’s totally free for you! *You will also find affiliate link in our book reviews and on our resources pages, so if you decide to purchase something through the link provided there it will help support us, at no cost to you.

Our Shop - Did you know we had a shop? We do! We have had a lot of trouble with it on Facebook and instagram, so we currently can’t list it there. Maybe one day they will correct the issue, but for now feel free to check out our shop.

Patreon - Become a patron on Patreon. There are different levels of support and you get different perks for each level. As a patron, you will get exclusive content and get to have a say in what we create and be the first to know what we are working on and where we are going. Tier 1 costs $3 a month and it goes up to $15 a month for Tier 3 patrons.

Spotify - Subscribers only podcast content ***In the Works*** This is a project that goes along with what we are working on for our YouTube channel and Podcast. Backstory: We love history and want to put a focus on history from a Christian perspective. We hope this will be beneficial to adults and kids alike. We are a homeschooling family and This idea came about when we discovered there are very few Christian outlets teaching history from a Christian worldview on YouTube, podcasts, and through other media. So through the Subscriber only Spotify feature on our podcast, we will be providing audiobooks and audio recordings of things from history. Some will be religious documents written by people of faith from the past, while others will be writings from historical figures from the past as we dive into their lives and why they are worth studying and remembering. Our subscribers will have access to all of this content that we create for as long as they are subscribers.

We are so thankful for all of you. We are thankful to have gotten to know many of you—even if it is only online. Some we have had the privilege of meeting at conferences and even in our area. The Lord has blessed us mightily through this endeavor. All glory to Him for allowing us the honor of doing TWP. Thank you again for all of your support. Soli Deo Gloria.