What We Believe
Beliefs of The Wandering Pilgrims
If we had to describe our beliefs, Reformed Baptist seems to fit the most accurately. We have come to that conclusion after much biblical searching, theological research, and digging through doctrine.
We are young earth creationists. This is a determination we came to through studying God’s Word and understanding that it is entirely true and inerrant. So then there should be evidence in creation to support the Creator. We dove in and began researching, and found tons of evidence that the Biblical account is reaffirmed by science and history. Isn’t it amazing that the Bible tells us that creation is evidence for our Creator. So it’s really no surprise we find evidence in creation that supports His Word.
We believe a person is saved through faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone. The person is saved through no effort of their own. This sets Christianity apart from all other religions and belief systems. You cannot earn your way to a good afterlife or heaven. You must believe that Jesus Christ (fully God and fully man) is the Son of God, died on the cross and took the cup of wrath that we deserve for our sins upon Himself to be the ultimate sacrifice, and rose again 3 days later. If you believe and confess that and repent (turn from/change your ways) of your sins, you will be saved.
We (Josh and Courtney) have both had bad theology, false doctrine, and false teachers influence us while we were false converts. Because of this and because we love our fellow Christians, we do warn against false teachers and resources we have found through our research since coming to true faith and repentance. We are all growing in discernment and hope to help others do the same.