Review: Dinosaurs for Little Kids by Ken Ham

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here)))

Yes! It’s another dino book review! If you’ve been with us for a while, I’m sure you can tell just how much our daughter LOVES dinosaurs. So of course, there are plenty of dinosaur book reviews here on our site and on our channel and podcast. The thing is, although it seems like we have a lot of book reviews on dinosaurs—which we absolutely do!—there aren’t a lot of books on this subject matter for kids from a Christian perspective. That’s why we love to share with y’all when we find a good one! And Dinosaurs for Little Kids did not disappoint.

Ken Ham always seems to deliver with his books. We have loved every one that we have read! Dinosaurs for Little Kids is geared toward younger kids with a simple rhyming style and full page illustrations.

The book takes you on a journey through a museum full of dinosaur exhibits. You and your little one will be introduced to the history of the Word dinosaur in an easy to understand way. It explains how the Word is a modern invention so that explains why it’s not in the Bible.

It continues the story by answering the questions “where did the dinosaurs go” and “how did we get fossils” from a biblical perspective. At the very back of the book, you’ll also find a few pages with facts about different dinosaurs. Most of them were new to us so that made the Dinosaurs for Little Kids even more fun for us!

But by and large my favorite part is how the book explains the why. Why they died, why the flood happened, all of it. And then it gives a simple Gospel presentation. This is something we have seen often in Ken Ham’s books and we are so thankful that he includes these gospel presentations.

We would definitely recommend adding Dinosaurs for Little Kids to your library!

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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