Review: Paul’s Big Letter by J. Aaron White & Illustrated by Paul Cox

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to listen to a review of this book, check out our YouTube review here and/or our podcast review here)))

We actually found the book we are reviewing today through one of our favorite accounts, RefToons. Many of y’all are probably aware of RefToons, but if you haven’t discovered them yet, go check out their website and social media accounts. And we are actually going through the book of Romans at church right now, so the timing for finding this book couldn’t have been better—providence.

Paul’s Big Letter is exceptional. I would say you could read it with your kids around age 7-8, and after that they could easily read it on their own. Each chapter goes over a chapter of the book of Romans. The chapters are short and begin with a story or example that sets up what will be discussed in the chapter. Each chapter ends with a verse for memorization from that chapter, a key takeaway from what was read, and some questions to help your kids think about what was read.

You will also enjoy the illustrations at the beginning and end of each chapter by Paul Cox of RefToons as well. Our daughter loves RefToons, so this was a real treat for her!

Romans is such a rich book. We have read through it as a family before, but finding this was very helpful. It gave us the opportunity to introduce a structured Bible study to our daughter of a very important book. Romans being the largest of the epistles, has so much instruction for the early church and for us as the church today. So much doctrine and theology that needs to be discussed! We loved that all of this was still in this book, but in a way a kid could grasp. Paul’s Big Letter doesn’t shy away from tough concepts or water anything down. It breaks it down into a bit size piece which makes it easy for a kid and adult to discuss and think about.

All in all this is a solid book we would absolutely recommend. It’s a great way to go through a book of the Bible with your kids and introduce them to simple Bible study format and reading & discussion. It would also be great to give your child to do on their own as their first guided Bible study. No matter how you read and use it, it will give you the chance to discuss and grow in God’s Word.

Stop by one of our social media pages, our podcast, or our YouTube/Rumble and let us know if you have read Paul’s Big Letter or if it’s something you are planning on picking up. We love hearing from y’all! And don’t forget to check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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