Review: The Knight’s Map by R.C. Sproul

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to listen to a review of this book, check out our YouTube video, our Rumble video, or our podcast featuring this book review)))

R.C. Sproul is a man who has helped us in our walk with the Lord for many years now. We are blessed that he lived during our time when we could watch videos of him and learn from his teachings. So when we learned that he had written several children’s books, we were thrilled! This one is probably my favorite (I’m pretty sure our daughters favorite is The Prince and the Poison Cup - review of it coming soon 😉).

The Knight’s Map reminds me a lot of Pilgrim’s Progress. It is an allegory just like Pilgrim’s Progress but it’s not as lengthy. It’s easy to read in one sitting during reading time or at night before bed.

The book is also beautifully illustrated! Come to think of it, all of Sproul’s children’s books are full of rich illustrations.

And this one starts as the others do, with a child asking their parents a question and them telling the child that Grandpa was coming over soon and they should ask Grandpa their question because he always has the best answers. In this book, the children’s Grandpa tells them a story about a Knight. He receives a letter and a map from the Great King, who many believe doesn’t exist. The map leads to a priceless treasure, but the map is also hard to read and understand.

So without giving too much away, the Knight goes on a quest to find the treasure. He meets some people along the way and asks for help, but since no one gives any thought to the Great King they don’t offer much. He gets lost and turned around since the map is hard for him to read on his own, until he meets a few men who were looking for him. They help him understand how to read the map and put him on the right path. I won’t reveal the ending, but it is wonderful as are the lessons in this book.

The additional information to parents at the beginning and the end are such a big help too! As well as the questions and answers section to discuss what went on in the book, what or who this character represented, what lessons were learned from this section, and many more.

We HIGHLY recommend The Knight’s Map, and all of R.C. Sproul’s children’s books, as well as his books for adults and resources from ligonier. You can find our other reviews of his children’s books below.

The Prince’s Poison Cup


And don’t forget to check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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