Review: Dragons - Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs by Bodie Hodge & Laura Welch

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to listen to a review of this book, check out our YouTube review here and/or our podcast review here)))

If you have a little one like ours who loves dinosaurs, they probably also have an interest in dragons. Well, here is the perfect book for you!

If you’re anything like me, you never gave much thought to dinosaurs and dragons and the fact that they are so similar. I do remember thinking about it a little after watching something on the Loch Ness monster once, but that was about it. And yes. I now know “dinosaurs” that lived in water are technically marine reptiles. 😜

Well, once our daughter became a dinosaur enthusiast it was something we did have to think about. She had questions about both dragons AND dinosaurs and I needed good solid BIBLICAL answers! Were dragons dinosaurs? Were they just legend? After all, the word “dragon” is used in Scripture. This was definitely something we needed to research. We needed answers to these questions to help us guide our daughter to the Biblical answers.

Enter Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs! Thank the Lord for Answers in Genesis and all that they do! We really are so thankful for their ministry and Master Books for publishing all the great things they do!

Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs is one of our favorite books. It discusses, you guessed it, dragons & dinosaurs! But it’s so much more than that. It’s beautifully illustrated and very interactive with pockets and flaps that reveal extra information to full landscape fold out spreads!

If you little one love dinosaurs and/or dragons, they will LOVE this book. Honestly, I love this book! The history and legends included are awesome and to see them all explained from a biblical worldview makes my heart happy. It explains exactly why dragons look like dinosaurs. And if your familiar with AIG, you can probably guess the correct answer. 😉 It’s a book I love going through with our daughter. It never gets old!

One reason I love this book is because it touches on so many different teaching subjects. It discusses history, legends (some from literature), geography (where the legends/dragons/dinosaurs lived), science, and Scripture. It’s almost an all in one book! Our daughter, being a visual learner, really loves all of the illustrations and interactive parts of this book.

Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs covers every dragon legend I have ever heard of and many more. It discusses the history, what possible dinosaur, marine reptile, or flying reptile it could be, and gives detailed explanations. All of this while standing on the authority and inerrancy of Scripture and presenting it from a biblical worldview.

One final note - have you ever noticed many kids will look at a dragon and immediately say “dinosaur!” Why have adults made something so obvious that a child can easily point it out, so convoluted and difficult? Honestly, the answer is to fit a certain worldview. You can’t have dinosaurs walking around when people were around if you believe in millions of years. And then there is the fact that “dragon” is a term in the Bible, and many who hold to an evolutionary worldview want to distance the term “dragon” from “dinosaur” (which wasn’t created until 1841).

I point this out to say, if those who believe and teach and promote an evolutionary worldview can convince a child that dragons are only myths & legends, then they have undermined Scripture in that child’s mind. When that child reads the term “dragon” in God’s Word it’s easy for them to say “Dragons are myth so this book must be too.” It’s the enemies same old trick from the garden—undermining God’s Word and what He said. All Christians need to be able to defend their faith, even if it means being able to articulate that dragons were dinosaurs, as silly as that may sound. Many of the current issues of today would have seemed silly to us a decade ago. We never would have believed the things being taught today would ever be taught! We would have thought someone was silly if they told us a decade ago what people would be pushing these days. So teach your kids to defend their faith. Affirm what Scripture says! Train them up! We hope we can be a little help to you in this important work.

So, back to the book! All in all, Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs would make a great addition to anyone’s library. It would really make a great gift too! Stop by our social media pages, podcast, or YouTube/Rumble channels and let us know your thoughts on this book and if you have read it or plan to pick it up. And don’t forget to check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.

Until next time, Soli Deo Gloria.


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