Review: Reformation ABC’s by Stephen J. Nichols and Ned Bustard

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to listen to a review of this book, check out our YouTube video, our Rumble video, or our podcast featuring this book review)))

REFORMATION MONTH! It’s upon us! A few years ago if I had heard someone say “Reformation month” or “Reformation Day” I would have looked at them funny and had no idea what they were talking about. But now, it is one of my favorite times of the year! I love history anyway so it being an entire month/day dedicated to a part of church history, makes my heart happy.

So, in honor of Reformation Month and Day (October 31), I wanted to review an awesome little book written by Stephen Nichols and Ned Bustard entitled Reformation ABC’s!

You may recognize Stephen Nichols from Ligonier Ministries. He does a lot of videos relating to church history that we use in our homeschool and highly recommend them!

This little book is broken down to follow the alphabet and also has some important dates at the back. Each alphabet letter has a page or two that discusses a person, place, or thing that was important to the Reformation or came from the Reformation. You’ll get to learn about all kinds of church history, historical figures, important geographical locations, and much more, all packaged nicely in an easy-to-read and understandable way.

We also really love the illustrations in this one. They are different from most books and are lots of fun to look through in and of themselves.

As you would expect, prominent figures like Martin Luther and his 95 theses are discussed but it also talks about indulgences and Heidelberg where the catechism of the same name was created. It discusses people who came before that influenced the reformers like Augustine and some of those who came after such as John Calvin who was sort of a 2nd generation reformer 😉

If you celebrate Reformation month/day or want to teach your little one more about church history, we highly recommend picking up Reformation ABC’s.

There are also 2 other books they have written that we are looking forward to reading and reviewing so stay tuned for that! And don’t forget to check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.

Have you read this little gem? Do y’all celebrate Reformation month/day? Stop by our social media accounts and let us know :)

Soli Deo Gloria


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