Review: Wonders of Creation: The Fossil Book by Gary and Mary Parker

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here and our podcast review here)))

We have started collecting curriculum style books to add to our daily reading that’s based on our little ones interests. If you have followed us for any amount of time, by now you know our daughter loves dinosaurs! So we decided to pick up Wonders of Creation: The Fossil Book. This is put out by Master Books. You’ll probably recognize that name if you’re familiar with Answers in Genesis.

I don’t know about y’all, but when I was in school, all text books read pretty much the same way. They were dry and no fun to read. The Fossil Book is the complete opposite! It’s up to date, fresh, Biblical, and a blast to read. The authors include personal tidbits they have discovered while studying fossils and while searching for fossils, which gives an added layer of readability. We actually do a lot of read aloud and did this book as one of our morning reading books. We thoroughly enjoyed doing it together, but it would be just as enjoyable read by yourself.

The book isn’t terribly long, but is packed with information. It discusses the different views of evolution throughout the book, and explains the lack of evidence for this theory at every turn. It then gives a biblical worldview and interpretation for the same evidence and provides additional supporting evidence to help prepare you and your children to defend and contend the Faith as well as grounding them in the truth of the Bible.

The book also covers the flood evidence, discusses rock layers, how fossils are formed, the geologic column, the animals that show up in the fossil record, and thoroughly discussed the flood geology vs. evolution evidence. One of our favorite parts was the section at the end telling you how to build your own fossil collection. We have a few fossils we have picked up in stores but we are looking forward to really going and hunting for fossils and applying what we have learned through The Fossil Book.

It’s also worth noting that this book covers post-flood evidence and explains how the Ice Age happened from a biblical worldview. That isn’t very easy to find so I wanted to let y’all know it is in this book! It is very thorough in its explanation about the climate and factors that caused the Ice Age and the climate after the Flood. I certainly learned a lot! 😅

Lastly, as a parent of a fossil and dinosaur loving child, I really appreciated the section in this book about how to create your own fossil collection. It gave instruction on how and where to find fossils, how to preserve them, and how to display them. It also gave instruction on how to use the fossils as a way of sharing the gospel with others. It was such a wonderful addition to this book and one of my favorite parts as a parent!

So, if your looking for a book for an older child who loves dinosaurs and/or fossils or a meaty biblical and apologetics centered science book for your child, we would highly recommend Wonders of Creation: The Fossil Book! We have also picked up some of the other Wonders of Creation books that we are looking forward to reviewing soon!

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.

Soli Deo Gloria


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