CHARLESTON,SC Christian Travel Review

Hey y’all! Welcome to our 1st travel post! We hope these will give you ideas of places to travel, ways to grow in your faith while on vacation, and things to do that are fun and educational, to help you fulfill the commission given to parents in Deuteronomy 6 and Proverbs.

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Earlier this year, we had the privilege of visiting Charleston,SC. It’s a place we have been to before and love visiting. We may either do another post or update this one when we go back with more things to do and photos to share. If you’re a Patreon supporter, don’t forget to check out all the additional photos and behind the scenes fun of this trip in the exclusive content there.

This trip, we only had a few days so we tried to make the most of them. We decided we would be students of history and visit downtown Charleston, Boone Hall, and Magnolia Gardens. We also stayed on the Isle of Palms so we could end as many days as possible strolling their beautiful beach!

Charleston is rich in US history and beauty. We weren’t able to take a carriage tour this time around, but we recommend them as a great way to learn more about Charleston from a very knowledgeable tour guide. We have taken them in the past and thoroughly enjoyed them.

On this trip, we decided to do a self-guided walking tour to view the historical plaques. The favorite one we stumbled upon was about Robert Smalls. If you don’t know who he is, you should watch this! See the photos below of the plaque as well 😊

We highly recommend strolling the streets of Charleston if you get a chance.

Next up, Boone Hall! This is a favorite of ours. Josh and I visited before on our first trip to Charleston. It is still used as a private residence and hosts lots of events and weddings. Its oak tree tunnel drive was the highlight of the trip for Bellamy, as we had learned about them in our book Passport to the US (you can read our review of this great Christian geography book here). The original slave cabins are a sobering reminder of the sins of our fathers. Each cabin is dedicated to a different subject or theme and is highly educational. We would encourage anyone who is planning a trip to do their own research into this subject to ensure you are able to give your children (and yourself) a well-rounded view of this part of history. Overall, when we visited, the displays and information were well done and what we saw was well rounded.

Our final place of interest was Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. We have visited here before as well, but it was raining cats and dogs then so we didn’t get to do to much. This trip, we were blessed with great weather. This was a great place to help discuss our faith as they have a biblical themed garden featuring different plants mentioned in Scripture! The house is wonderful and the gardens are always beautiful. We saw a few gators and lots of birds as we strolled through their gardens. We also learned that it also has an interesting link to the Revolutionary War. We don’t want to give too much away so see if you can find the large double sided plaque about this bit of history 😉

We can’t finish this review without talking about the Isle of Palms. This was our first time staying there and I’m sure we will be staying there again! It. Is. Gorgeous! Hands down one of the best beaches we have ever visited. Not overly crowned (we went in late April/early May), very clean, and lots and lots of shells. We saw that the currents can be pretty strong there so keep that in mind if you decide to visit. We don’t tend to get in the ocean really, so that wasn’t a huge thing for us.

Don’t forget to check out our tips, recommendations, and things we hope to do next visit below the photos 😊


1) Don’t forget to make time for family worship while on vacation. We find it’s a great time to reconnect and take a breath from the hectic day to day and to refocus on the Lord and praising Him and talking about Him as a family.

2) Visit Magnolia Plantation and tour the biblical gardens. Talk about the Scripture listed there. Ask questions like: “Did you think it would look like that,” and talk about God’s wonderful creation throughout the entire garden. (We like to discuss the Garden of Eden when we visit gardens).

3) Tour downtown Charleston, whether you take a guided tour, carriage tour, or walking tour, talk about the history that happened there.

4) Visit Boone Hall and the slave cabins. Discuss this ugly part of history, and highlight the brave men and women who fought against the atrocity of slavery. Many did so because they were Christians. Many distorted Christianity to try to say slavery was acceptable. Study these things and discuss them with your children so they can see the good and the bad. The truth from the false. Many ears were tickled then because they wanted to continue in the way of life they were used to, but they were led astray by falsehoods. That is something we must always be aware of in every day and age.

If you would like to plan a trip to Charleston, SC, may we suggest using Booking com . It’s our go to for planning our trips. Check them out to start planning your next family adventure.

Things we hope to do next time

Visit Fort Sumter

Visit the USS Yorktown

Take a carriage tour

Visit the Hunley

Visit the aquarium (we have found a great Christian worldview book for visiting aquariums)

Possibly take a historic churches tour

That’s it for now! Check back to for updates to this post as we love to visit this area and try to make it back at least once a year!


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