Review: The Answers for Kids series

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here)))

Thanks for joining us for this review. This one is going to be a little different. Today, we are reviewing a collection or group of books instead of just one. It seemed to make more sense to discuss them together in one rather than separate reviews for each books. So, below we will give an overview of the entire collection of books as well as a little bit about each. We will also include a link to the whole collection and to each individual book in case you would like a particular book instead of the entire collection.

Each of the Answers for Kids books contain 20-25 questions submitted by kids. Each book deals with a particular topic. These are great for teaching, nightly reading, read aloud, family worship, and children’s church programs. Each question includes scripture references you can look up that support each answer to each question.

Book 1 - Topic: Answers on Creation and the Fall (Written by Ken Ham & Cindy Malott)

This is such a great way to start this series of book: right at the beginning. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis. This short book covers things such as when did time begin, when were the planets created, and who was Cain’s wife just to name a few. There were also some great kid curiosity style questions in there that were a lot of fun to discuss with our little one.

Book 2 - Topic: Answers about Dinosaurs and the Flood of Noah (written by Ken Ham & Cindy Malott)

This one is of course our dinosaur loving daughters favorite in the series. This book really has a great variety of questions and does a great job of answering questions about the flood, fossils, caves, the ark, dinosaurs, the pre-flood world, and the ice age just to give you an overview.

Book 3 - Topic: Answers about God and the Bible (written by Ken Ham & Cindy Malott)

Most kids have questions about God and the Bible, but not all parents have the answers! We particularly valued this helpful little book. When we got this set, our daughter was just entering the age of asking lots of questions. So this book ended up being a great resource, as we were still learning some of these answers for ourselves. In this book, you’ll find questions like why do people believe different things, why can’t we see God, who made God, and many, many other great questions that can be hard to answer at times!

Book 4 - Topic: Answers about sin, salvation, and the Christian Life (written by Ken Ham & Cindy Malott)

Many people, both adults and kids, have questions about sin and salvation. This book is a great resource for helping kids to understand what salvation is, what a christian’s life should look like, and a better understanding of the sin nature. Some of the questions in this book deal with how we can know other religions aren’t true, what heaven is like, where sin came from, as well as many other good questions to go through with your child to help build their biblical foundation.

Book 5 - Topic: Answers about Space & Astronomy (written by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge)

Space is a favorite subject of our daughters, so this Answers book was a big hit with her. This book has lots of great questions and biblical answers about things like when were the planets were made, is the earth flat, are there aliens, and many more. There is one thing that we noticed that was different about this book than the others in the series—in the back it gives the dates for the yearly meteor showers, a table of planets, and a list of terms and definitions. This was one of our favorite parts! We love factoids and quizzing each other so this was a wonderful and unexpected surprise.

Book 6 - Topic: Answers about Babel and the Ice Age (written by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge)

The Ice Age is a subject that I was glad to see discussed. It’s something that isn’t discussed as often in apologetics, but is a topic that kids and skeptics will ask about. You’ll find questions about how long it was, how big it was, and other fun kid questions about the Ice Age. The book also goes over the tower of Babel thoroughly. It discusses where different languages and people groups came from as well as what the tower may have looked like.

Book 7 - Topic: Answers about evolution and millions of years (written by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge)

As you can imagine, the questions in this book are right up Ken Ham (founder of Answers in Genesis) and Bodie Hodge’s ally. Ken Ham has been answering these questions for decades and we are so thankful for him and his ministry. This book does a great job of hitting the big questions that kids may have or come in contact with such as did cavemen exist, why do books and teachers teach that the earth is millions of years old, why do evolutions believe the big bang, and lots of other great questions. This book will come in very handy in today’s world for preparing your child to have biblical answers to these kinds of questions.

Book 8 - Topic: Answers about Satan & Angels (written by Ken Ham & Bodie Hodge)

I have to admit, the subject of this book isn’t the one I would have thought to write about… Until our daughter started asking questions about the Devil and angels. Turns out, this little book was REALLY helpful in answering questions about the fall of Satan and the angels that followed him, about angels appearing in Scripture, the differences between angels and demons, as well as a lot more. It was very interesting to read through and really helped us dig in. You don’t realize how much the world has influenced your ideas about angels, demons, and Satan until you really start asking questions like the ones in this book. We are now better equipped to tell fact from fiction when it comes to this subject, and we are all thankful for that!

The Answers books for Kids are some of our favorite resources! We have used these so often to help answer questions our daughter asks. It is has been a blessing to know we have these in our home and that we could simply go look up a question if we don’t readily know or remember the answer. And as she grows she can do the same!

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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