Review: What He Must Be if He Wants to Marry My Daughter by Voddie Baucham

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here)))

As parents, we always want what’s best for our children. As Christian parents, that should mean first and foremost things relating to their spiritual walk. When they are young, that looks like reading Scripture together, family worship, catechism, prayer, and many other things. And although we should continue to do those things as our children grow up, we should also give a thought to their future in regards to marriage.

But when it comes to preparing our kids for marriage, It seems that many Christian parents are at a bit of a loss in this area. And, at least for our family, this subject hasn’t been the easiest one to find biblical guidance on. No one wants their children to end up in a bad marriage and we also want to help protect them and their purity during their young adult years. But putting into practice isn’t something many of us have seen modeled or know how to do.

Thankfully, that’s where this book comes in. We thank the Lord for Pastor Voddie Baucham and his ministry! We have reviewed Family Driven Faith and Fault Lines here and can’t recommend his books and ministry enough!

From the title, What He Must be if He Wants to Marry My Daughter, you may be thinking this is only for parents of boys. I was wondering if that was the case too. And since we don’t have any boys I wasn’t sure if I would glean much from it. Nevertheless, I wanted to give it a read to see if it could help our family be better prepared to recognize, and help our daughter recognize, godly young men when it comes time to think about our daughter getting married.

I am pleased to say that there is a wealth of knowledge in the book for parents of both boys AND girls. From qualifications and things to look for in a potential suitor for both the parents and their daughters to how to train up young men to be godly husband material, this book really is groundbreaking for those who don’t know where to start in regards to this subject.

Most of us grew up in dating culture and know what that looks like and the potential dangers of it. Thankfully, one of the things discussed in What He Must Be is how to go about courting in a godly way. From teaching our daughters what characteristics to look for in a potential suitor to how to prepare we as parents can and should guide them and be active participants in helping our girls find godly husbands.

Pastor Baucham also addresses singleness some as well, which is also very helpful as we know there are some called to a life of singleness. But, since we can’t know what the Lord has in store for our kids, we can work to prepare our children biblically for each kind of life.

There really is so much helpful material in this book. I could never cover it all or do it justice in one single review! I highly recommend getting a copy, no matter the age of your children. Whether you have a son or a daughter this book is definitely worth reading. And I would encourage you to read it together with your young men and young ladies and discuss it. It is such a great book to help equip both parents and young adults in the area of preparing for marriage and the next phase of their lives.

Don’t forget to check out our other Adult Resources and Reviews.


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