Review: Dinosaurs Stars of the Show by Amie Zordel

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our Youtube review and/or our Podcast review)))

Dinosaurs. I’m pretty sure we will end up reviewing every biblical dinosaur book made to date by the time we are through. 😅 This one did have one little difference that we loved and appreciated though! Many children’s books feature a drawing of a child. And most dinosaur books feature a little boy. We have tons of those and love them all! But one nice things about this one, since our daughter loves dinosaurs so much, is that the child featured is a little girl. That’s just a nice surprise that we loved about this little book.

Dinosaurs stars of the Show is a simple and easy to read. It is a rhyming book which we love. It starts out telling us that the little girl is going to watch a show about dinosaurs and the scientists come on talking about evolution. The little girl knows that isn’t right and goes straight to her Bible to find the truth she knows is there! I LOVE the example this sets!

The book goes through and in simple rhyme after simple rhyme dismantles evolution and millions of years so simply that a young child can grasp it.

This book is fantastic! We would encourage everyone to pick this up Dinosaurs Stars of the Show for their own children or grandchildren and to give it as a gift as often as possible. Sharing the truth of Scripture and giving kids a foundation in the truth of Scripture at an early age is so important. That’s one of the reasons we love this so much! It’s so simple and easy to understand which makes it a great book for introducing these truths to young children.

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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