Jesus Ain’t Calling, not even at Christmas - Avoid Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling Christmas and all other Jesus Calling Resources


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***If you are in need of a resource to help you discuss different false teachings with the people in your life, we highly recommend these 2 books—A Field Guide on False Teaching by Ligonier ministries and Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. Both of these books are also available on Audible. If you would like to try Audible, using our link to sign up for a trial will get you up to 2 free audiobooks.***

Hey y’all!

Merry (almost) Christmas 😊

Since covid hit you may have noticed that the Wandering Pilgrims haven’t been wandering as much. Unfortunately, it’s hard to do right now, but it has given us the opportunity to wander through more books and resources. So we wanted to switch gears and start reviewing some of those and sharing them with y’all. This will be the first one we will do so bare with us 😂

Christmas is one of our favorite times of the year. We have a collection of Christmas books that we like to go through during the month of December leading up to Christmas Day. Well when we got them all out and started going through them this year, we saw one that made our eyes almost pop out of our heads - Jesus Calling Christmas 😳

We are guessing we picked it up with other Christmas books a year or two ago before we really knew what Jesus Calling was. Since then we have learned (and continue to learn) a lot. So we wanted to share with y’all what we have found.

So here is why we DON’T recommend adding this book (or any by Sarah Young) to your library. This will be a quick overview with additional resources linked below. When you have a little one running around, it’s not easy to write lengthy posts so we’ll get straight to the point. You can also check out our video about here if that’s easier 😊

Sarah Young is an author who has stated that she knew God speaks through the Bible, but she wanted more. 🤔 She wanted to know what God had to say to her personally. So she started actively “listening” for Jesus and then began waiting with “pen in hand” to write down what was “said” to her. So let’s be clear, she is emptying her mind to audibly hear something talk to her and then writing it down claiming (possibly personally believing) it was JESUS. 😳

These practices are extremely dangerous. It is akin to automatic writing which is an occult practice of emptying yourself and writing what comes through from the spirit world. Same level of dangerous as ouiji boards. Side note, is it just us or when God spoke audibly in the Bible almost every time people were terrified right?!? But she sounds like she is sipping coffee with Jesus chatting. Jesus is the 2nd person of the trinity, both God and man, our Savior and Lord who will judge the world one day, not a buddy over for coffee.

She also writes for Jesus in the 1st person as in “me” and “I” language. Aside from it being weird to read, on the face of it this may not make someone sit up and take notice… until you give it some thought. 🤔 If Jesus is talking directly to Sarah Young, then it would qualify as Scripture right? But we know that the Bible is complete and without error. It also teaches women and kids, who her material is geared toward, that the Bible isn’t enough or Scripture is too hard to read or understand so “read this instead.” It’s sad and dangerous and not an influence that women, much less children, need in their lives.

Lastly, we would like to point this out—Jesus Calling has been edited. So apparently what Jesus said to Sarah Young at the beginning changed? We know we don’t serve a God of confusion, He is incapable of lying, and He is unchanging, so why in the world would it need editing if it were truly Jesus calling?

The answer is simple—Jesus ISN’T calling you, me or Sarah Young, so hang up the phone and trash (better yet burn) the books. DO NOT DONATE THEM if you have them.

if you would like more info on this check out our video and/or podcast on the subject as well as the links provided below for further digging and research.

Disclaimer: We did not write the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page. *If we do recommend one of these links/websites we will say so beside it.

Justin Peters on Jesus Calling video

*RECOMMENDED - Justin Peters Ministries is invaluable in helping people learn about the false teachings of today.

Provoked to Proclaim on Instagram *RECOMMENDED - She does a great job all the time, especially with the false teacher Friday posts she does. Thoroughly researched and very helpful.

Michelle Lesley - Jesus Calling/Sarah Young

*RECOMMENDED - She is very thorough and balanced in her analysis.

Doreen Virtue/Expository the Word - Should Christians Read Jesus Calling?

Gabriel Hughes - A Jesus Calling for Christmas Special

*RECOMMENDED - Pastor Gabriel Hughes is the man behind WWUTT (when we understand the text) which we highly recommend.

Grace to You - That’s Not Jesus Calling

*RECOMMENDED - John MacArthur’s ministry

Tim Challies - 10 Serious Problems with Jesus Calling

Berean Research - Changing “Jesus Calling” - Damage Control for a False Christ

Christian Answers for the New Age - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young: WUI (Writing Under the Influence)

Marcia Montenegro - Jesus Calling by Sarah Young: A False Jesus?

Sheologians - Jesus Isn’t Calling, God Has Already Spoken

Berean Examiner - David Jeremiah endorses Jesus Calling

Got Questions - Are there any Doctrinal Problems with Jesus Calling?


Teacher to Avoid - Steven Furtick, Elevation church, and Elevation Music


Teacher to Avoid - Andy Stanley