Teacher to Avoid - Steven Furtick, Elevation church, and Elevation Music

Hey y’all!

This post exists to provide links and information explaining why this teacher/resource is unsound, false, and should NOT be used or followed. We will add to it as we find more information.

We present this information out of love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We would hope someone would love us enough to tell us when there was evidence that someone we followed was unsound and could be leading us astray. We are also told in Scripture to name those who are false teachers and to not associate with unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, 2 John 1:10-11, Matt 24:24, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1). Please read with all of this in mind.

Disclaimer: We did not create the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website/podcast/YouTube Channel these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

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***If you are in need of a resource to help you discuss different false teachings with the people in your life, we highly recommend these 2 books—A Field Guide on False Teaching by Ligonier ministries and Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. Both of these books are also available on Audible. If you would like to try Audible, using our link to sign up for a trial will get you up to 2 free audiobooks.***

Steven Furtick is the “pastor” and founder of elevation church and founder and songwriter for elevation music/worship. We KNOW Furtick is a very popular teacher and is staunchly defended by his followers. But we would ask anyone who follows him to consider this question, would you rather defend a man or Jesus? Men are fallible, Jesus is not. Consider the evidence presented and pray about it.

Furtick is an EXTREMELY dangerous teacher. The way he talks makes it very difficult to follow what he is saying to check it against Scripture in real time and since he teaches topically (if you can call it that) he bounces around using Scripture with no context or completely out of context. He reads himself into the the Bible (narcigesis and/or eisegesis). He allows women to preach including his wife which violates Scripture (1 Timothy 2:9-15; 1 Corinthians 14), and he claims TD Jake’s as his mentor — TD Jake’s denies the Trinity and supports the heresy of modalism, which Furtick himself has preached as well. And there is so much more to discuss. He is for all intents and purposes at this point Word of Faith.

Elevation music being an extension of elevation and Furtick are not a sound source of worship music. Some songs can pass a theological smell test as Justin Peters puts it, but they (like Bethel and Hillsong) are concerned with promoting themselves, the churches they are a part of, and creating more “me” centered worship than God centered worship.

Below is all of the information we have found in our research. There is a tremendous amount and it isn’t all on one topic or issue. Please give it a read and watch and if you follow him pray for him and pray about the information you have read. *We will also work to update this article with new resources as they become available.


Steven Furtick has made it plain that elevation is for evangelism only. Their concern is not with feeding the flock. This video and post make it clear. Many are unaware of this video by Furtick, but it doesn’t mesh with the persona and appearance that has been promoted in recent years. Christians seeking to learn about God and His Word are insulted. Some could say maybe he was over zealous in his early ministry, but it seems clear he is still very interested in more of an evangelistic style preacher than feeding a church family from how the church operates today and how he preaches.

Video - https://youtu.be/_lHzBUf7BI4

Graphic showing Furtick’s statements from Den of Wolves Documentary (We have not seen this documentary so we make no endorsement or claims about it)

Steven Furtick quote///Image credit: Den of Wolves A Documentary

Steve Furtick teaches the modalism heresy. Many will say he didn’t mean it that way, but considering that it is what his mentor TD Jakes teaches, it seems Furtick is at least parroting a heresy he has learned from TD Jakes even if he doesn’t believe it himself. That would not be considered good shepherding.

*When sharing this info previously, some have claimed he was taken out of context, so we have included a thorough review done by Fighting for the Faith here as well other links showing it in more condensed formats. If you believe he was taken out of context, please review all of this info and pray about it.

Post from Facebook with the video of Furtick teaching this with explanation of the heresy in the post: https://www.facebook.com/581206039071736/posts/768149527044052/?d=n

Here are several links to indoctrination material used in elevations children’s ministry:



Elevation church is also using and promoting the New Age non-Christian enneagram.

Here is a link to their video promoting it with a detailed explanation in the post: https://www.facebook.com/581206039071736/posts/781394159052922/?d=n

His most recent controversy - his “I am God almighty” quote. We couldn’t do a better job digging into that than Justin Peters did, so here is his review on that. Many say he was taken out of context, and he also addresses that in the video.

There are so many other issues here to unpack that it seemed simpler to post the rest of the links for everyone below so you can continue your research. We hope you find them helpful and informative.

If you would like to check out the post on elevation music, click here.

Michelle Lesley- https://michellelesley.com/2020/07/24/steven-furtick-elevation-elevation-music/

Justin Peters video about music (elevation music is included) - https://youtu.be/Y0uFSYHVSRk

Video compilation of several false teachings being taught by Furtick - https://www.facebook.com/101020594666037/posts/281864376581657/?vh=e&d=n

ReformedWiki - Steven Furtick/Elevation: false teacher? 9 concerns

Fighting for the Faith - A Biblical critique of Steven Furtick’s Preaching

The Gospel of Christ - Steven Furtick “Following Jesus DOES NOT CHANGE YOU” - Paul Washer and Steve Lawson respond

Colin Miller - WATCH: Steven Furtick DISGRACES Moses!

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick makes Christmas about YOU rather than the birth of our Savior

WWUTT - What did Steven Furtick say about faith?

WWUTT - Did Steven Furtick can himself “God Almighty?”

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick is trapped in Nazareth

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick Narcigetes Genesis 22

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick and the danger of a dream

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick comes through drippin

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick and the Lazarus factor

The Gospel of Jesus Christ - Steven Furtick “What is wrong with my preaching?” Voddie Baucham, R.C. Sproul explain

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick Denies God’s Power!

Owen Strachan - Steven Furtick’s grace error: a response to his denial of conversion

Fighting for the Faith - the 33 degrees of Furtick Almighty

Colin Miller - The truth about Steven Furtick

NAR Connections - https://narconnections.com/steven-furtick-4/

Furtick quoting false teacher - https://www.facebook.com/103502882236/posts/10156743495812237/?d=n

Reformed Christian Voice Radio - false teacher Steven Furtick says “there’s 1 thing that Jesus can’t do

Apologia Studios video - https://youtu.be/oufPBeBIFjw

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick: Abraham asked God for viagra?

Apologia Studios video - https://youtu.be/ly0TbC3pAkk

Colin Miller - TD Jakes disgraces his wife as Steven Furtick laughs

Additional video - https://youtu.be/pr9Bmp9yv0A

ReformedWiki - God told you? Voddie Baucham and Justin Peters correct Steven Furtick

Colin Miller - Elevation Church did fake baptisms and I can prove it

ReformedWiki - Millions of “Christians” in hell- Baucham & Washer vs. Graham, Warren & Furtick

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick’s silliest sermon

The Messed Up Church - “Hit the Bar” episode 8 (part 1): Steven Furtick twisting the Bible to proclaim “favor”

The Messed Up Church - “Hit the Bar” episode 8 (part 2): Steven Furtick twisting the Bible to proclaim “favor”

Fighting for the Faith - Steven Furtick and the danger of a dream

Polite Leader - Steven Furtick false teacher

Polite Leader - Steven Furtick Unqualified and Not Almighty

Colin Miller - This video should end Steven Furtick’s career

Polite Leader - Elevation Church and Steven Furtick Exposed

Doreen Virtue - “Why I left Elevation”

Doreen Virtue - Rod Parsley and Steven Furtick - Former word of Faith explains why she quit

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick is NOT sure if Jesus is Lord

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick says God is a “molecule”

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick’s worst sermon ever

Elizabeth Prata - How to plant a shill in the audience: Steven Furtick takes a cue from Toastmasters

Berean Research - Steven Furtick: Unqualified, Not Unworthy

Berean Research - Why won’t Steven Furtick answer tough questions about his ministry?

Berean Research - Steven Furtick teaches that God Breaks the Law

Berean Research - Steven Furtick Gladhands TD Jakes’ Church – Gives $35,000 To Jakes

Berean Research - Furtick joins Rod Parsley’s 2017 N.A.R. “Dominion Camp“

Berean Research - Furtick, Elevation Church activate N.A.R. Apostles

CARM - Steven Furtick

Todd Friel - Exposing Steven Furtick

Patheos.com - Steven Furtick is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

GTY.org - Unqualified, Not Unworthy

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Says Abram Asked God for Viagra Pills

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Says God Told Moses “I am” Because We Are Just Like God Is

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Says it’s Impossible to Believe Jesus is Lord Without a Doubt, Tells Staff Never to Say it

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Preaches Panentheism Heresy, That God is Made of Matter and Fills All Things

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Think’s He’s Jesus, Says Satan “Bruised His Heel” as He Was Crushing His Head on Stage

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Denies Orthodox View of Trinity, Embraces Modalism Heresy

Reformation Charlotte - False Teacher of the Day #27: Steven Furtick

Reformation Charlotte - Hillsong NYC Pastor: We Wouldn’t Be Here Without Steven Furtick


ReformedWiki - God told you? Voddie Baucham, Justin Peters correct Steven Furtick

The Gospel of Christ - The spirit of deception - Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Mike Todd, Joel Osteen

Polite Leader - Elevation & Furtick errors

Andreas Wiget - Furtick says “I am God Almighty”

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick still believes his deleted post

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick’s recent MESSAGE of a sermon

Colin Miller - Steven Furtick calls the Apostle John a “creepy stalker”

Elizabeth Prata - How to plant a shill in the audience: Steven Furtick takes a cue from Toastmasters

Elizabeth Prata - Steven Furtick and Simon the Sorcerer

Facebook post originally put together by Provoked to Proclaim showing multiple issues with Steven Furtick

Reformation Charlotte - Steven Furtick Says God Doesn’t Make Christians New But Reveals Who We Were All Along

Fight for Truth - Steven Furtick says God is sneaky?!

Fight for Truth - Watch Steven Furtick’s Sunday pep talk

Fight for Truth - Debunking more of Steven Furtick’s teaching

Fight for Truth - What on earth is Steven Furtick preaching?

Fight for Truth - Steven Furtick’s dangerous teaching


Mark and Avoid: Orange Kids Church Curriculums


Jesus Ain’t Calling, not even at Christmas - Avoid Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling Christmas and all other Jesus Calling Resources