Wandering Through God’s Word Initiative


If you are looking for our reading plans, check out the bottom of the article

Hey y’all! It’s been a while and we thought it was time to update everyone now that we are ready to make this announcement.

So over the past year (2020), we have been giving a lot of thought to the direction of The Wandering Pilgrims. We initially set out to create content/resources to help others explain and defend their faith, learn about Christian history, as well as other things while we wandered through God’s world to different places. But when COVID happened, that got put on hold. We also tried to encourage people to read their Bibles, but that wasn’t the main focus for us at the time. We were reading and learning ourselves, and as we did, we became more and more enthusiastic about reading God’s Word. It brought us joy and excitement as we discussed what we were reading and gleaning. As we started sharing our joy and excitedly telling others what we had read, we began to see just how big a problem Biblical illiteracy is among professing Christians.

Biblical illiteracy put simply means people haven’t read the Bible for themselves. One statistic we read a few years ago stated only around 10%-11% of professing Christians have read the entire Bible! How insane is that?!? Christians are professing to believe in something they have never read!!!

How do we learn to love, obey, and worship God?

Through His Word.

How do we learn what we believe?

Through His Word.

How do we learn to defend our faith?

Through His Word.

How do we learn to identify false teachings and heresies?

Through His Word.

If we love someone, we want to know them. So many claim to know and love Jesus, but have never read the book essential to knowing, loving, and obeying Him. We hope to help change that! We aren’t scholars by any means, just people who love the Lord and want to know and obey Him better, be able to share the gospel with others effectively and defend our faith, and help more Christians know what they believe—from the source.

When you consider all the Lord has done for you, is it really too much to ask that you spend time with Him through the reading of His Word?


We spend countless hours on pointless things. Shouldn’t we be able to spare a minimum of 20-30 minutes a day for God’s Word and prayer? ABSOLUTELY! We should be spending every possible minute with God in prayer, in His Word, with the church, serving others, worshipping Him, and all things in service to our Lord! We hope to help others get started on this journey with simple plans for books or sections of the Bible. We will include resources to help answer common questions from sound sources. We want to keep it simple. No work books. No plan based on books by an author on a book of the Bible. Just focusing on God’s Word from the Bible itself. We aren’t trying to be teachers (again, we aren’t scholars). We are just trying to provide a resource to help people get in the Word. Side note: something important to remember is that study Bibles, book studies, and resources can be helpful, but the commentary and notes are not inspired and are written by fallible humans. (If you would like a study Bible we do recommend this one and this one).

We will publish the plans on our website. We will also post on our social media when they initially launch. We will be using #WanderingThroughGodsWord if you would like to join us there!

We want to challenge you, Christian, to change the statistics. Arm yourself with the Word of God so you can serve, worship, love, and obey Him better. Sit down with a notebook and the Bible. Pray. Ask for guidance, understanding, knowledge, discernment, and a deeper love for God and His Word. Open it up and wander through God’s Word with us!

Check out our reading plans here:

Wandering Through Genesis for 30 Days


Wandering Through Job for 30 Days


Wandering Through Genesis for 30 Days