Sound Biblical Teachers

 Finding biblically sound teachers and pastors in today’s world is no easy task. Our first encounter with a true biblical pastor and teacher put us on the path to true conversion (we are very thankful for Paul Washer). We had never heard anyone preach and teach in the way he did. True conviction and caring for others souls, no matter the cost to himself. He wasn’t out for popularity or to tell cute stories—he was there to preach God’s Word. Finding Paul Washer’s videos and ministries helped us find others who are also sound. These individuals and their ministries have helped us grow in faith and discernment. We are much more equipped to see through false teachings than we ever were before. They helped us see how deceived we were. and how easy it is for people to be deceived when they don’t know the truth.

We only recommend individuals and ministries we have vetted to the best of our ability. And of course we are continually researching anyone who crosses our path. But, PLEASE, don’t take our word for it. Please do your own research into everyone you listen to and read, comparing what they say and how they live to God’s Word as the Bereans did. We are all fallen and sinful and capable of error, so we must always be learning from the ultimate authority for us on this earth—the Bible. We would also like to add a word of caution for everyone to be careful of idolizing a pastor; respecting him and his ministry as well as being fed by a good pastor is wonderful, but if we only spend time reading what one pastor says about the Bible and don’t spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word ourselves, we are losing sight of how we should be living. It is a sly trick of the enemy to get us so enthralled with a person or their work until we are putting him in the highest place in our lives instead of the Lord Himself.

***Our list includes both teachers of today and those who have passed on to glory. This list will be updated and added to regularly. We use affiliate links on our site, so if you decide to purchase something through one of those links, we may receive a small commission at no cost to you. This helps us cover the cost of this site and helps us to create new content. Thank you for your support and to God be the glory!

***We use audiobooks a lot to help us learn from solid teachers like the ones listed here. Audible is the app we use most often. If you would like to try audiobooks and Audible, you can use our link to sign up for a trial and get up to 2 free audiobooks.***


Biblical Teachers

Paul Washer (HeartCry Missionary Network)

Justin Peters

Voddie Baucham

John MacArthur (Grace to You ministries)

Steve Lawson (One Passion Ministries)

Charles Spurgeon

John Calvin

Darrell Harrison

R.C. Sproul (Ligonier Ministries)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Gabriel Hughes (WWUTT)

Alistair Begg (Truth for Life)

Jeff Durbin (Apologia Studios/Ministries)

Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis)

Dustin Benge

AW Tozer

Jonathan Edwards

Arthur “AW” Pink

Ray Comfort (Living Waters Ministries)

JC Ryle

Sinclair Ferguson

Martin Luther

Costi Hinn

George Whitefield

John Bunyan

Doreen Virtue

Tom Ascol (Founders Ministries)

Jim Osman


Dr. James White

Chris Rosebrough (Fighting for the Faith)

Steven Kozar (The Messed Up Church)

Todd Friel (Wretched Radio)

Virgil Walker

Josh Buice

Scott Aniol

Nick Campbell (Christ is the Cure)

Biblically Sound Women Teachers for Women

Michelle Lesley

Amy Spearman

Susan Heck

Marcie Morris (Provoked to Proclaim on IG)

Jillian Lancour

Elizabeth Prata (

Women’s Hope show/podcast

Marcia Montenegro (Christian answers for the new age)

Sound Music

Sovereign Grace Music

Brian Suave

Shia Lynne

Matt Papa