Review: God’s Wondrous Machine-The Complex Circulatory System by Dr. Lainna Callentine

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our video review here)))

When we went to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, we let our daughter pick out several books from each store. One of those books, to our surprise was The Complex Circulatory System by Dr. Lainna Callentine. She hadn’t been too interested in the how the human body worked up until that point, so that made this pick a fun new adventure!

First thing I noticed was how the book is set up. It’s quite different from many other books in that it has so many things in it to help every kind of learner The book touches on different points of interest including different parts of medicine, science, and history!

The vocabulary section is very helpful. You can use it in different ways such memorization, reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, definitions, copy work, and probably even more ways that I have thought of!

I loved how in the chapter about blood, it begins by tying it to Scripture and the different ways that term is often used throughout the Bible. It discusses the Last plague of Egypt, the sacrifices of the Old Testament, Jesus blood covering our sins and the Lord’s Supper.

It also has an entire chapter on the history surrounding the study of blood and how our medical understanding of the circulatory system has changed over time.

We also found the chapter on animals and insects that drink blood to be very interesting and a nice surprise! I never would have thought that topic would be covered in a book about our circulatory system, but it really was enlightening.

Lastly, the final few pages have lots of fun and interesting things that kids will love like jokes and factoids as well as a lot of other interesting things!

This book is so well put together and is a great for teaching science and health—and even a little history—from a Biblical worldview. We highly recommend The Complex Circulatory System to anyone looking for a great health and science book to use in their homeschooling or for anyone who has a child interested in these subjects.

If you’re looking for other great kid resources, check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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