Review: Dinosaurs for Kids by Ken Ham

Hey y’all! Welcome to our latest book review! We are big readers in our home and thought this may be a good way to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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(((If you would like to see/listen to a review of this book, check out our Youtube review here and/or our Podcast review here)))

Dinosaurs… Such a cool topic! But until we had our daughter and came to a true saving faith, we never realized how problematic dinosaur shows, books, etc. could be.

Our daughter has loved dinosaurs almost as long as she has been on this earth! At first we bought all kinds of dinosaur books to read and watched all kinds of dinosaur shows. But the Lord began using these things to work on us to show us how important teaching our daughter from a biblical worldview was, is and will always be. See, all those books, shows, and movies pushed an evolutionary worldview. And the more the Lord worked on us the more it sent us digging for answers. We believed the Bible was without error and true, so the evolutionary worldview didn’t jive with Scripture. But was there scientific evidence that supported Scripture that we could teach our daughter?

Enter Answers in Genesis, Genesis Apologetics, Creation Institute, and AwesomeSciTV. (((We HIGHLY recommend all of these resources by the way for anyone who has a little who loves science or if you’re just looking to be more equipped for these kind of conversations that come up.)))

Turns out there are tons of resources out there that teach about all of the things she was interested in from a biblical worldview, including dinosaur books!

Now that you have some background about why and how we came to have so many books on these subjects, back to Dinosaurs for Kids (which I promise was what we intended to review in this post 😅). We love Ken Ham’s books in our home, and this one is no exception. It’s probably THE favorite dino book.

The illustrations are amazing! The amount of information about dinosaurs interwoven with Scripture and a biblical worldview is so refreshing! It is set up in different “ages” discussing when dinosaurs were created, them living with man, the fall, the flood, when they died out and were “rediscovered.”

A few things we as parents really appreciate: many of the names have the pronunciation listed. I don’t know about you, but sometimes these can be a struggle 😅. On a more serious note, we love how the biblical worldview, and the evidence for it, are compared to the evolutionary theory. Ken Ham does an excellent job explaining this in a way kids can understand without watering it down. He also, as always, helps the kids learn how to stand on the authority of God’s Word and helps the be able to defend their faith from an early age.

We also loved all the fun facts about fife fervent dino’s, flying reptiles, and marine reptiles, as well as all of the history and information about fossils. There really is so much great information in this book! But above all, we love that Dinosaurs for Kids points to Christ. This is something we have found in all of the books from Ken Ham that we have read so far. We are so thankful for his ministry and to our Lord Jesus for saving us and for the Holy Spirit’s conviction about the materials and shows we were using early on.

So, if you’re looking for a good biblical book on dinosaurs, look no further than Dinosaurs for Kids by Ken Ham. You and your little ones will NOT be disappointed! This has actually become one of our go to books to give as a gift—after all who doesn’t love dinosaurs?!? We hope you and you’re children will enjoy it and give it to others to help them grow as well. Stop by our social media pages and let us know if you have read Dinosaurs for Kids or plan to pick it up for your child in the future. We love hearing from y’all! And don’t forget to check out our kids/homeschool resources page for more reviews and recommendations.


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