Teacher to Avoid: Brandan Robertson

Disclaimer: We did not create the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website/podcast/YouTube Channel these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

Fight for Truth - How Brandan Robertson deceives you

The Dissenter - “Pastor” Who Writes for “Baptist” Publication Says He Plans to Be “Married” as a “Gay Christian”

Fight for Truth - Brandan Robertson: God has non-binary pronouns?!

The Dissenter - “Pastor” Who Writes for “Baptist” Publication Explains How Jesus “Made Mistakes”

Fight for Truth - Brandan Robertson says Jesus was racist?!

The Dissenter - “Pastor” Brandan Robertson Says the Story of Lazarus is Actually About Coming Out of the Closet

Fight for Truth - Brandan Robertson spreading falsehood again!

The Dissenter - Gay Pastor Who Writes for Baptist Publication Says We Should Not Worship Jesus: A Biblical Response

Fight for Truth - Brandan Robertson: please stop saying I’m not a Christian

The Dissenter - “Pastor” Says You’re a Heretic if You Don’t Believe God Has Gender-Neutral and Female Pronouns

Fight for Truth - Allie Stuckey destroys Brandan Robertson’s claims

The Dissenter - Gay Pastor Who Writes for Major “Baptist” Publication Says the Bible Does Not Condemn Pre-Marital Sex

Fight for Truth - Progressive Christian’s argument gets destroyed!

The Dissenter - “Gay Pastor” Who Advocates for Gay Sex Pills in Baptist Newspaper Says “Jesus Sinned”

The Dissenter - Homosexual “Pastor” Says the Holy Spirit Told Him the Bible is Wrong About Homosexuality

The Dissenter - Gay Pastor Says Jesus Used “Racial Slur,” Woman Confronts Him, Jesus Repents of Racism


Defend & Contend: Understanding and Refuting the Seeker Sensitive Movement


Churches to Avoid - International House of Prayer (IHOP - not the restaurant)