Teacher to Avoid - Jenn Johnson

Hey y’all!

This post exists to provide links and information explaining why this teacher/resource is unsound, false, and should NOT be used or followed. We will add to it as we find more information.

We present this information out of love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We would hope someone would love us enough to tell us when there was evidence that someone we followed was unsound and could be leading us astray. We are also told in Scripture to name those who are false teachers and to not associate with unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, 2 John 1:10-11, Matt 24:24, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1). Please read with all of this in mind.

Jenn Johnson has come out of Bethel “Church.” She both leads worship and seems to teach at times too. Since her primary role seems to be relating to music, we have listed her in the music to avoid category, but she should be avoided on all fronts! See information below for more information on her and Bethel’s false teachings.

Disclaimer: We did not write the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

One of the first criteria we look at with a woman who is a leader/teacher is does she preach/teach men. if she does, then she is in violation of Scripture.

Courtney had a hard time with this doctrine coming from an egalitarian background. It sounds good doesn’t it? That women can do anything a man can do, that Paul was either sexist or was only talking to a specific group of women or both. But when she, as have many others, studied the Scriptures it’s clear that women and men are viewed equally but God has different roles for men and women in the church (as well as in the family). There is no denying that Scriptures tell us women are NOT to teach men (1 Timothy 2:12).

We encourage you to read these Scriptures in context, preferably the entire book but at minimum the full chapter.

With that in mind, here is what we have found regarding Jenn Johnson.

Reformed Christian Voice Radio - False Teacher Jenn Johnson says the Holy Spirit is like a sneaky blue genie

Reformed Christian Voice Radio - Jenn Johnson says the Holy Spirit is like a sneaky blue genie

Fighting for the Faith - Rediscovering Bethel’s Heresies Part 1

The Messed Up Church - “Hit the Bar” episode 24: Bethel’s “New Apostolic Reformation“ Damage Control!

Colin Miller - Bethel Worship Leader: “Angels have farting contests in heaven!”

Colin Miller - Bethel’s Worship Leader: God is like the Genie from Aladdin


Teacher to Avoid - Mark Driscoll


Music to Avoid - Passion City Music