Get to know The Wandering Pilgrims

Hi everyone!

Welcome to our new site! We hope you enjoy it and find it useful. At the time of writing this, it is still a work in progress, so please hang in there with us. We decided it was time to start a website where we could share everything in one place. So now you will be able to find all of our video, podcast, patreon, and social posts in one place. We also are excited to be adding blog posts so we can have a place to recommend resources we have found helpful!

So, without further ado, let us introduce ourselves - we are Josh, Courtney, and Bellamy. We are striving to follow Christ in all we do as we go about life. We homeschool and travel. We are traditional and trying to live simply. Both Josh and Courtney grew up around Christianity their entire lives, attending church periodically their entire adolescence. Courtney attended Christian school her entire life until college. Both believed they were saved— until they realized they weren’t. Their eyes were opened and they were saved by Christ alone through faith alone. If you would like to know more about their true conversions from being false converts, check out these videos on The Wandering Pilgrims youtube channel.

Now, we are all striving to live a biblical life. We fail at it a lot and will continue to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thank Him for His grace and mercy. We are trying to teach these things to Bellamy so that she can have a true foundation for her life. We enjoy sharing our adventures in life, travel, and homeschooling with others and hope The Wandering Pilgrims will be something that helps others be uplifted and grow in their faith as well. To God be the glory in all things!

Josh’s Story: 

Courtney’s Story: 

Conversion Story:  


Teacher to Avoid - Andy Stanley