Dale Partridge

We first watched Dale with interest when we were first Reforming in our faith, but we moved away from him after a short while because something was off to us. We couldn’t tell what it was so we were not going to speak against him publicly unless something came to light about him. We also knew that there were plenty of other proven godly men that we could learn from, most importantly elders in the local church.

It turns out Dale Partridge is one we would advise avoiding. Below you will find the link to all of the research Nick Campbell from Christ is the Cure has done on him. It is extremely thorough. This was all sparked by claims Dale Partridge was making about his education and it unfolded on Twitter/X where not everyone had the opportunity to see it so many know very little about this.

Interestingly enough, Dale Partridge was originally slated to speak at the Right Response Conference that happened in early 2024. He had already appeared at a Right Response conference as a speaker with Joel Webbon and James White in May 2023.

But after these things transpired, we noticed he was no longer listed as a speaker for the conference featuring Joel Webbon, Doug Wilson, and others. Joel Webbon, to our best knowledge never addressed this situation with Dale. We did find that the videos showing Dale speaking at the 2023 Right Response Conference have been changed to “unlisted” on YouTube, but not made private. We would like to point out a lack of discernment and speaking out on Joel Webbon’s part that we find troubling. Dale Partridge was platformed by him. This makes it seem that Joel believed him to be somewhat of a expert in the things they were discussing, but the fact is that Dale had flip flopped on many issues rather recently which should have bare minimum given him pause. The lack of discernment on Joel Webbon’s part and the fact that we couldn’t find where he had ever called Dale Partridge to repent is concerning and we wanted to add this to the article.

So without further ado, here is the link to the research. At the moment it is the only link on this page, but knowing how thorough Nick is and how important this subject is as wolves arise within the church and not easily spotted even by the elect at times, we wanted to share this so others could have access and read it for themselves.

Research by Nick Campbell of Christ is the Cure on Dale Partridge: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1APKkX_KEk-DuqbHHUW-Cf-wVnt9xTPVT/view?usp=drivesdk


Music to Avoid - Phil Wickham