Defend & Contend - Understanding and Refuting the Hebrew Roots Movement

Disclaimer: We did not create the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website/podcast/YouTube Channel these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

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Cultish Podcast - Answering Claims of Hebrew Roots part 1

Cultish Podcast - Answering Claims of Hebrew Roots part 2

Articles - What is the Hebrew Roots movement?

Berean Research - Hebrew Roots: About that Cepher “Bible”

Berean Research - How to help indoctrinated cult victims break free

Berean Research - Cold Hard Facts On Cults

Rlsolberg - The Dangers of the Hebrew Roots Movement

Anchor for the soul FB Post


Ligonier Ministries - A Field Guide on False Teaching


Teacher to Avoid: William Paul Young, Author of The Shack


Defend & Contend -Understanding and Refuting the Prosperity Gospel