Teacher to Avoid - Rick Warren

Hey y’all!

This post exists to provide links and information explaining why this teacher/resource is unsound, false, and should NOT be used or followed. We will add to it as we find more information.

We present this information out of love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We would hope someone would love us enough to tell us when there was evidence that someone we followed was unsound and could be leading us astray. We are also told in Scripture to name those who are false teachers and to not associate with unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, 2 John 1:10-11, Matt 24:24, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1). Please read with all of this in mind.

Disclaimer: We did not write the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

***Disclaimer - Some of these product links are affiliate links. That means that if you choose to do some amazon shopping using the links on this page, we will receive a small commission at no cost to you. It’s a great way to help us cover the costs associated with running this site and creating content without it costing our readers/viewers anything. Thanks to all our readers and viewers for your support!

***If you are in need of a resource to help you discuss different false teachings with the people in your life, we highly recommend these 2 books—A Field Guide on False Teaching by Ligonier ministries and Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. Both of these books are also available on Audible. If you would like to try Audible, using our link to sign up for a trial will get you up to 2 free audiobooks.***

Rick Warren is (now former) “pastor” of Saddleback church.

Justin Peters - Rick Warren emergent church false preachers

Michelle Lesley - Celebrate Recovery

ReformedWiki - “God loves you”: Paul Washer Critiques Rick Warren

Colin Miller - The truth about Rick Warren

American Gospel - Christ Alone

WWUTT What is Theology -https://youtu.be/wl1V-N5V1X0

WWUTT Modern Worship Explained - https://youtu.be/XrNFKchnDo4

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren and Mark Batterson on hearing God’s voice

ReformedWiki - Millions of “Christians” in hell- Baucham & Washer vs. Graham, Warren & Furtick

Michelle Lesley - The Mailbag: Potpourri (Todd Friel on Rick Warren, Enneagram, should I stay or should I go?)

Colin Miller - Rick Warren Hosts a “Blacks Only” worship service

Michelle Lesley - Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Elizabeth Prata - SBC pastor Rick Warren to co-preach with archbishop at Catholic convention in advance of Pope visit

Wretched Radio - Is anyone concerned about Rick Warren’s embrace of Catholicism?

Elizabeth Prata - James White on Rick Warren’s capitulation to Rome part 2

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren’s five purposes for your life

Elizabeth Prata - "Learn How To Recognize God’s Voice with Rick Warren"

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren timing is everything

Elizabeth Prata - Rick Warren on the lineup for Hillsong Conference 2015

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren lays out the (false) theology in the history channel’s miniseries, The Bible

Elizabeth Prata - What do Rick Warren and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have in common?

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren waffles on homosexuality

Berean Research - Saddleback’s Rick Warren appoints 3 women pastors

Fighting for the Faith - Rick Warren’s pastors. com promotes centering prayer

Berean Research - Why calling Rick Warren a “General” is significant

Fighting for the Faith - Hearing the voice of God part 1

Berean Research - Rick Warren gets bolder in promoting breath prayer

Alpha & Omega Ministries - Response to Rick Warren on the nature of the church and more

Berean Research - Rick Warren publicly called to repentance for statements about uniting with Catholics

Berean Research - Rick Warren Recommends Centering Prayer

Polite Leader - Saddleback purpose driven falsehood

Berean Research - Rick Warren: Thinking Like A Pagan & A Theology-dissing Jesus

Berean Research - Rick Warren: Forget Sola Scriptura, But There is “Plus Scriptura”

WWUTT - “The Purpose Driven Life” 20 years later—is it any good?

Berean Research - Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Paradigm awakens once again

Berean Research - Rick Warren

Berean Research - What do Rick Warren, Russell Moore, Muslims, Mormons and the Pope have in common?

Berean Research - Warren’s Connection to the Muslim Brotherhood

Berean Research - Purpose Driven dismantling of Christianity

Berean Research - An Analysis of Celebrate Recovery Addictions Program

CARM - Rick Warren’s comments on Roman Catholicism

Reformation Charlotte - False Teacher of the Day #36: Rick Warren

Reformation Charlotte - Rick Warren, Bad Theology, and the Evangelical Dance with Quid Pro Quo

Polite Leader - The purpose driven life—a response

Reformation Charlotte - John MacArthur on Rick Warren: “That is an Inadequate Gospel”

Reformation Charlotte - Watch Rick Warren Twist and Mangle Scripture to Justify Ordaining Women Pastors

Doreen Virtue - Why “me-centered” teachings are dangerous

Reformation Charlotte - Jackie Hill Perry, Rick Warren, Join Up to Promote “Coptic Mother Theresa” Worldview

Polite Leader - Rick Warren: False Teacher

Jordan Riley - 3 popular myths busted

NAR Connections - https://narconnections.com/rick-warren-4/

Elizabeth Prada - Rick Warren: Apostate; and here’s why

Jordan Riley - Rick Warren: worst pastor in America?


Teacher to Avoid - Todd Bentley


Teacher to Avoid - Priscilla Shirer