Teacher to Avoid - Beth Moore

Hey y’all!

This post exists to provide links and information explaining why this teacher/resource is unsound, false, and should NOT be used or followed. We will add to it as we find more information.

We present this information out of love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. We would hope someone would love us enough to tell us when there was evidence that someone we followed was unsound and could be leading us astray. We are also told in Scripture to name those who are false teachers and to not associate with unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, 2 John 1:10-11, Matt 24:24, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1). Please read with all of this in mind.

Disclaimer: We did not write the resources linked below, and we have not thoroughly vetted every website these links come from. We do our best to only share links that are from sound sources, but sometimes things could get missed. We do not endorse anything on these sites that deviates from the Bible or with our beliefs listed on our “What We Believe” page or our “Who We Are” page.

One of the first criteria we look at with a woman who is a leader/teacher is does she preach/teach men. if she does, then she is in violation of Scripture.

Courtney had a hard time with this doctrine coming from an egalitarian background. It sounds good doesn’t it? That women can do anything a man can do, that Paul was either sexist or was only talking to a specific group of women or both. But when she, as have many others, studied the Scriptures it’s clear that women and men are viewed equally but God has different roles for men and women in the church (as well as in the family). There is no denying that Scriptures tell us women are NOT to teach men (1 Timothy 2:12)

We encourage you to read these Scriptures in context, preferably the entire book but at minimum the full chapter.

With that in mind, here is what we have found regarding Beth Moore.

***Disclaimer - Some of these product links are affiliate links. That means that if you choose to do some amazon shopping using the links on this page, we will receive a small commission at no cost to you. It’s a great way to help us cover the costs associated with running this site and creating content without it costing our readers/viewers anything. Thanks to all our readers and viewers for your support!

***If you are in need of a resource to help you discuss different false teachings with the people in your life, we highly recommend these 2 books—A Field Guide on False Teaching by Ligonier ministries and Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. Both of these books are also available on Audible. If you would like to try Audible, using our link to sign up for a trial will get you up to 2 free audiobooks.***

Wretched Radio - What do we do with Beth Moore

Fighting for the Faith - Beth Moore is clueless about the promised land

WWUTT - What’s the problem with Beth Moore

WWUTT - Visions and Voices from God

WWUTT - Name it and claim it?

WWUTT - Visions and voices from God?

Michelle Lesley - https://michellelesley.com/2014/08/14/updated-five-reasons-its-time-to-start-exercising-moore-discernment/

Michelle Lesley - https://michellelesley.com/2019/07/08/an-open-letter-to-beth-moore-timeline-of-events/

ReformedWiki - Voddie Baucham corrects Beth Moore on Women Pastors/Preachers

WWUTT - Women must be silent in church?

Justin Peters - An interview with Susan Heck on Beth Moore

Fighting for the Faith - Beth Moore’s future outpouring “prophecy”

A Word Fitly Spoken - Discerning the False Teachers: Beth Moore Part 1

A Word Fitly Spoken - Discerning the False Teachers : Beth Moore Part 2

Colin Miller - Beth Moore’s horrible theology

Colin Miller - The truth about Beth Moore

Doreen Virtue - Beth Moore’s wildly unbiblical teaching - interview with Michelle Lesley

Michelle Lesley - Bye-Bye Beth: What Beth Moore’s split with the SBC Means

Elizabeth Prata - Many Christian celebrity moms are distorting biblical motherhood part 1

Reformation Charlotte - Beth Moore Preaches Chapel Message at Baptist Seminary

Reformation Charlotte - Beth Moore and Ed Stetzer Agree: Complementarianism “Wipes Out Half of the Gospel Force”

Michelle Lesley - The Mailbag: What did you think of Beth Moore’s “A Letter to My Brothers”?

Michelle Lesley - Living Proof You Should Follow Beth (No) Moore

Elizabeth Prata - Steve Kozar on Beth Moore: The moment she laid her Charismatic cards on the table…

Berean Research - Discernment Lesson: Deconstructing Beth Moore’s most popular story

G3 ministries - Why Your Pastor Should Say “No More” to Beth Moore

Reformation Charlotte - False Teacher of the Day #32: Beth Moore

Fighting for the Faith - Living proof Beth Moore is an autonomian

Fighting for the Faith - Beth Moore wants you to dig wells

The Messed Up Church - “Hit the Bar” episode 6: Beth Moore and the great outpouring (that isn’t in the Bible)

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore is Anglican now

NAR Connections - https://narconnections.com/beth-moore-4/

Elizabeth Prata - What are the biblical qualities God desires in a woman teacher? Not the ones Beth Moore exhibits

Elizabeth Prata - Discernment, “Evil Suspicions”, and Beth Moore

Polite Leader - Beth Moore false teacher

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore and the Danger of Dwelling on your Abuse

Elizabeth Prata - My first reaction to Beth Moore, 2011

Elizabeth Prata - In most recent teaching, Beth Moore declares Catholicism “a denomination”

Polite Leader - Go home Beth Moore

Elizabeth Prata - Testimony from an ex-Beth Moore follower: Lessons about Jesus, but not Jesus Himself

Elizabeth Prata - Problems with Beth Moore’s teaching in list form- did you know there were this many?

Polite Leader - Beth Moore says “I hear voices in my head”

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore deleted half her Kindle chapter: Breaking the Social Compact

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore has a Lot to Answer for in Normalizing Women Preaching/Teaching to Men, again

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore’s Legalism: A Discernment Lesson applicable to any teacher

Polite Leader - Beth Moore criticizes male leaders

Elizabeth Prata - All Beth Moore critiques here in one place (Newest)

Elizabeth Prata - Jude’s dreamers and Beth Moore’s necromancy

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore’s “Bus Stop vision” was not from God, here’s why

Elizabeth Prata - Discernment Lesson: Comparing a Beth Moore & Martyn Lloyd Jones teaching on on the same verse

Elizabeth Prata - Discernment Lesson: Deconstructing Beth Moore’s most popular story

Fight for Truth - Beth Moore rebukes conservative Christians?

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore bible twisting now includes “binding prayers”

Elizabeth Prata - Strange Fire Q&A: Beth Moore

Elizabeth Prata - In which Beth Moore says something unbiblical. Again

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore’s Simulcast "Audacious", her new book, and a discernment lesson

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore’s heretic hunting article and its fallout

Elizabeth Prata - Reason #2,543 not to be a Beth Moore follower (or Bill Johnson, Kim Walker Smith, Ken Hagin etc…) Divination!

Elizabeth Prata - At what point does one declare a teacher like Beth Moore false? Here’s some help.

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer: Bad company (UPDATED)

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore led a "commissioning" for 11,000 women (and men) at Unwrap the Bible conference

Elizabeth Prata - Heretic Beth Moore partners with New Age Mystic Roma Downey in new bible convention touted as "America’s Largest Bible Event"

Elizabeth Prata - Examining Beth Moore’s statement: the ‘Bride is paralyzed by unbelief’

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore: a type of false prophetess of the church at Thyatira?

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore says God lifted her into another dimension & showed her the church through Jesus’s eyes

Elizabeth Prata - Discernment lesson: the curse of popularity, Beth Moore, and Billy Graham

Elizabeth Prata - Walsch, Young, and Beth Moore: ungodly channelers all (Part 2)

Elizabeth Prata - Walsch, Young, and Beth Moore: ungodly channelers all (Part 3)

Elizabeth Prata - Discernment lesson: The Shack and Beth Moore’s treatment of Paul. Part 1

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore: reactions to Living Proof teaching in Charlotte. Part 3b: The Teaching

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore: reactions to Living Proof teaching in Charlotte. Part 3a: The Teaching

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching: Part 1, Introduction and Casualness

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching, Part 2

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching, Part 3- Contemplative Prayer

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching: Part 4: Legalism

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching, Part 5: Personal Revelation

Elizabeth Prata - Troubled by Beth Moore’s Teaching, Part 6: Eisegesis, Pop Psychology, & Bad Bible Interpretations

Elizabeth Prata - Beth Moore Instagram Prayer Tutorial critique


Teacher to Avoid - Jen Hatmaker


Teacher to Avoid - Louie Giglio